Welcome to Michelle Bois' online scrapbook of current issues in Canadian education! This website intends to inform past, present and future educators about some of the issues faced by school boards, teachers, students and parents in today's Ontario education system. To view each issue, simply click each link in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Each issue will feature a link to a newspaper article that deals with the particular topic. The article will open in a new window. Below each article link is a list of bibliographic sources used for each issue.
Then, a summary of the issue will be provided, along with two different perspectives.
Next, I will take a critical perspective on the issue and investigate whether anyone is marginalized or discriminated against.
Finally, I will suggest methods for bringing balance to the issue. At the end of each page you will find a video that relates to the issue in question. These videos are meant as complements to the article, as they are often similar.